SpiderCuff Patents
SpiderCuff products are patent protected in the United States as well as other countries worldwide.
This list is provided in compliance with the virtual patent marking provisions of the America Invents Act for SpiderCuff products made from May 2018 until this list is next published.
This list may not be all inclusive. The SpiderCuff products listed may be protected by additional patents, and other patents may be pending. Any SpiderCuff products not listed may be protected by one or more patents, particularly in countries outside of North America.
Patented Products | Associated Patent Number(s) |
Model 01 Handcuffs | US 11,286,693 B2 |
Model 10 Handcuffs | US 11,286,693 B2 |
Model 20 Handcuffs | US 11,286,693 B2 |
Model 40 Handcuffs | US 11,286,693 B2 |